You may have heard the term Anonymous Shopping. No, it doesn’t mean going to the mall in a dark hat and sunglasses. It’s what Your Health Idaho calls the period that starts October 1, two weeks before Open Enrollment begins, and continues through its end to December 15. During Anonymous Shopping, consumers can visit without having an account or filling out an application to check out the updated health insurance plans being offered for the 2023 plan year by eight well-known carriers like Blue Cross, Select Health, and St. Luke’s Health Plan.
Anonymous Shopping allows consumers to see the 141 medical plans and 21 dental plans Your Health Idaho is offering for 2023. They can compare plans side-by-side to see different deductibles, co-pays, provider networks, and monthly premiums and determine which plan best fits their budget and lifestyle needs.
Consumers can also visit the tax credit estimator to find out how much of a tax credit they could qualify for in 2023. Your Health Idaho is the only place Idahoans can apply for and receive the Advance Premium Tax Credit that acts like an instant discount to lower the monthly health insurance premium they pay. More than 80% of Idahoans who applied for the tax credit in 2022 received one and one in three pay a $0 premium.
Go to to check out updated plans between October 1 and December 15.