January 30, 2017

BOISE, Idaho –More than 100,000 Idahoans have enrolled for 2017 health insurance coverage through Your Health Idaho. The deadline to sign up for coverage is Tuesday. Idahoans have until midnight MT on January 31 to purchase healthcare coverage for this year.

“We know changes are coming to the health insurance marketplace,” said Pat Kelly, executive director of Your health Idaho. “However, change takes time and right now we are still focused on giving Idahoans access to affordable health insurance options. We urge Idahoans to take advantage of our state’s marketplace. We are extending our hours in order to help consumers meet the deadline and get enrolled for 2017.”

Idahoans may call 1-855-944-3246 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. MT today and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. MT tomorrow. Consumers may also go online to enroll until midnight MT Tuesday at YourHealthIdaho.org.

Idahoans who need assistance selecting a health insurance plan can work with an agent or broker in their area free of charge by visiting www.YourHealthIdaho.org and clicking “Find Help Near You”.


Your Health Idaho was established by state law in 2013 to provide an online marketplace where Idaho families and small businesses can go to compare and purchase health insurance. Your Health Idaho is governed by a 19-member board authorized by the Idaho Legislature to set the rules and regulations for implementing a state-based health insurance exchange. For more information, please visit www.yourhealthidaho.org.